Tuesday 29 April 2008

Do you have a Second Life?

You may say your teacher is a freaky but ..., well, yes, she has a Second life. Do you know what Second Life is? Your teacher has been there and she can tell you that there are many opportunities for you to meet new people and practice your English.
My avatar, Anuskis Klotzel, has been to different places, specially to educational ones, and she has talked to teachers in the USA. You can see here a picture of herself at EDTech, a place for research on the educational potential of SL.
Would you like to try it too? You have to download the programme, create your avatar, and then search for places where you can practice your English. I can tell you there are many. When I know more about it, I will give you some landmarks (places to visit).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It´s really fantastic! Next summer I will download the programme and I will try to improve my English all over the world! I know it´s not the same than travel, but it´s cheaper, of course. Now, I have enough trouble with my "first life", you know!

Thanks a lot.

Inma Candela